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ASEZ University Student Volunteer Group Holds Human Rights Day Promotional Campaigns

  • देश | कोरिया
  • तिथि | 06/दिसंबर/2018
ⓒ 2018 WATV
December 10 is Human Rights Day established by the UN. The date was chosen at the United Nations General Assembly Fifth Committee to honor Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed in 1948. The UN member states celebrate this day and endeavor to improve human rights.

In commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ASEZ the World Mission Society Church of God University Student Volunteer Group held Human Rights Day promotional campaigns at 146 campuses in 14 countries such as Korea, U.S., South Africa, and Ukraine from December 6 to 13. It was to improve the awareness of human rights so that everyone can be guaranteed basic human rights such as dignity, freedom, and equality, and to realize love for humanity Christ set an example of.

ASEZ members set promotional booths and panels in their campuses, and made known the main points of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the concept and importance of human rights to citizens as well as university students, faculty members, and school personnel.

They explained in detail the basic principles of human rights, the exercise of civil and political rights, the economic, social, and cultural rights, and the duties that we carry out to enjoy all these rights. “It was meaningful to learn that human rights that I enjoy today are actually obtained after so much effort,” said Lee Ji-eun from Dong-a University, after listening to a presentation.

ⓒ 2018 WATV
It was well received by the colleges, too. “I’ll make more effort to guarantee human rights for students, professors, and the staff,” said Grygoriy Torbin, the Vice President of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Kiev, Ukraine. He appreciated the ASEZ’s campaign on campus and supported the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “Numerous people are still suffering from human rights violations. It’ll bring a positive change to the world if university students raise awareness of human rights in many places,” said Professor Rachel Lynn Stotts from International Language Center of Gachon University, praising ASEZ.

ASEZ’s efforts to promote human rights are not limited to holding campaigns. It has been carrying out diverse activities such as seminars, forums, and volunteer services, to implement the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN to ensure that “no one is left behind.” On November 16, more than 100 ASEZ members participated in the event for International Day of Tolerance held at the UN Headquarters, and urged to create the world without discrimination in human rights, welfare, and the environment. Recently, ASEZ has launched a global project Reduce Crime Together for the safety and happiness of the world. As part of its efforts, it performs environmental cleanups in Mother’s Streets and public order campaigns, and enters into global partnership to establish crime prevention systems.

It has been seventy years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed—yet, the global society is still suffering from discrimination, conflicts, and disputes. ASEZ will continue to work on protection of human rights and welfare in 2019 with Mother’s love.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

It was proclaimed by the 3rd United Nations General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948. As human rights were severely infringed during World War II, the consensus within the world community was that they needed to protect fundamental human rights. After 187 official meetings and more than 1,400 discussions, the member states agreed to the document.

The declaration consists of 30 articles. Translated into more than 250 languages, it has served as a standard of international treaties. It has a great influence on the establishment of human rights-related organizations and laws.
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