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Cleanup Activity at Jukcheon Beach, Pohang

  • पर्यावरण संरक्षण
  • देश | कोरिया
  • तिथि | 16/जून/2006
ⓒ 2006 WATV
On June 16, Gyeongbuk Eastern Association held an Environmental Cleanup at Jukcheon Beach in Pohang. Around 200 members put into action their love for neighbors through this event, hosted by Bukgu Office of Pohang city.

Pastor Jeong-Won Park in the Gyeongbuk Eastern Association delivered a congratulatory address and said, Lets love the nature and human so that we can make the world beautiful. He also showed his hope that Jukcheon Beach will become a beautiful resort for people who visit there. In the last March, the members from the Gyeongbuk Eastern Association once received a prize from the provincial governor for their effort to protect environment at the Ceremony for the Water Day. Shil-Geun Kim, the district leader of Pohang, gave thanks to the members of the Church of God for attending the Water Day event every year and for protecting environment, and he also encouraged the participants.

ⓒ 2006 WATV
It was extremely hot as if it had been mid-summer, but the members joyfully and actively attended the cleanup for about two hours. When the cleanup ended, all the rubbish from the sea filled five one-ton trucks. Some neighbors commented favorably on the members cleanup and said, We feel so refreshed to see the clean beach. A member who attended the cleanup said, Though a little bit tired, I feel so happy. This cleanup was a good education for my children. They learned that they should protect environment.

All the participants were determined to share love with people who need their help and to display Gods glory to all around the world.
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