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Love and Interest Make Cold Winter Warm

  • सैनिकों से मुलाकात
  • देश | कोरिया
  • तिथि | 08/दिसंबर/2004
ⓒ 2004 WATV
When winter comes, we can easily see the notice, "Caution Against Fire," and fire officers become very busy. They not only extinguish the fire, but also do various administrative works and rescue people when accidents happen. Especially at the end of the year, accidents such as traffic accidents happen more than usual, so they become extremely tense.

The members in Seongnam city visited fire stations to encourage and give thanks to the watchmen, who protect the life and property of citizens and cope with various disasters.

Members in Sujeong District in Seongnam City Visited Seongnam Fire Station

On December 8, about 10 members of the Church of God in Sujeong-gu, Seongnam city, visited Seongnam Fire Station and delivered some gifts and encouraged the fire officers' efforts.

They said, "People have to learn the spirit of self-sacrifice of the fire officers fighting with fire at the risk of their lives. We heartfully give thanks to you officers. All the citizens can live safely and comfortably thanks to you." Officials of the fire station thanked the members, "It is very glad to have some visitors. Your interest and heartfelt gifts encourage us more."

ⓒ 2004 WATV
Last year, the members in Sujeong-gu, Seongnam, delivered underclothes to some street sweepers and gifts to some police officers. They keep encouraging their neighbors who make every effort to promote citizens' prosperity.

Pastor Sang-won Kang, who planned this visit, said, "It is time to have more love and interest in our neighbors than before. We will continue to deliver love to those who need God's love and to look after our neighbors."
Jong-il Kim the Chief of Seongnam Fire Station, who couldn't meet the members as he was away for work, ordered the administrative section head to inform all the fire officers in Seongnam city of the Church of God members' visit to the fire station, so that they could be encouraged.

Members From the New Jerusalem Temple in Bundang District in Seongnam City Visited Bundang Fire Station

On December 17, over 10 members from the New Jerusalem Temple in Bundang-gu, Seongnam city, visited Bundang Fire Station and presented 200 leather gloves most necessary to the fire officers. During the pleasant time of conversation for about 20 minutes, Jong-hui Moon the Chief of Bundang Fire Station said, "We will share your gifts with all the fire officers here and use them thankfully. We are doing what we must do. Nevertheless, we feel more the sense of duty as our neighbors are interested in us. We will continue to do our best to protect citizens' lives and properties."

ⓒ 2004 WATV
Tae-uk Kim, a fire officer, welcomed the visitors with a bright face and said, "Even though our work is difficult, we can work with strength because of the people like you who encourage us. Thank you for visiting us."

Our society is still healthy for there are neighbors like the fire officers who work hard to keep the lives and safety of others. It may be not a great or big thing to show interest in those neighbors and deliver gifts as a token of thanks. However, if they can work harder to save more lives, being encouraged by these things, the members' visit is never of little importance.

'Please give me strength to save a life even in a strong fire!' We hope that the prayer of the fire officers, asking for the help of God, may be answered in the precious name of God, and we also hope that the Church members' warm love and interest in our neighbors continue.
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