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Global ASEZ Summit 2019

  • देश | Korea
  • तिथि | 15/जुलाई/2019
ⓒ 2019 WATV
From minor traffic violations to heinous crimes, all crimes are committed by humans. To reduce the crime rate and prevent crimes, each individual needs to change.

University students from around the world gathered for the Global ASEZ Summit 2019: A Quantum Leap for Change towards Zero Crime, held at the New Jerusalem Temple in Korea on July 15, with aspirations to build a crimeless, peaceful, and safe world by creating change on the campus. More than 2,500 people including professors, journalists, and ASEZ members from forty-two countries in six continents participated in the event to discuss action plans to implement the Reduce Crime Together [RCT] campaign more effectively. The participating students were from Seoul National University (Korea), Harvard University (U.S.), University of Cape Town (South Africa), University of Western Australia, and so on. Influential figures sent their congratulatory messages from the U.S., U.K., Mexico, and more. “All the activities of ASEZ are worth appreciation,” said Pratibha Devisingh Patil, a former President of India, in her video message.

Session I Expert Lecture: advice from eminent persons from various circles, on the basis of their knowledge and experiences

The summit began with the prayer of General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol. He asked for God Elohim’s blessing for university students making efforts to reduce crimes happening constantly. Motivation was the theme of the first session. David Alberto Marcos Piscoya, Administrator of the Criminal Procedure Code in Judicial Power of Peru, mentioned the seriousness of juvenile delinquency. “Young adults are the ones that make society have balance. They set goals for children and teenagers. We can find a solution to crime prevention from the role of young adults,” he said in his lecture.

ⓒ 2019 WATV
Andrushchenko Viktor Petrovych, Rector of the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University in Ukraine, emphasized the roles of universities in overcoming crimes with education and enlightenment in his video lecture. He expected that university students would play their part as a breakthrough toward the future. “A quantum leap for change toward zero crime is of paramount importance in the world. I fully support today’s event that encourages the youth, who are the future leaders, to reduce the world’s crimes and to enable a fairer and more organized society,” said Sylvio Mário Puga Ferreira, Rector of the Federal University of Amazonas in Brazil. Eduardo Año, Secretary of the Interior and Local Government in the Philippines, and Jose Manuel de La Fuente, Minister of Security of Government of La Rioja in Argentina, explained how their countries keep public order and security, and how the governments and the police deal with crimes, and asked for university students’ solidarity and cooperation.

Session II Summit by University Students: collecting thoughts of representatives of continents and countries

The summit was led by the youth; university students voiced their ideas for crime reduction. Adopting a meeting style of international organizations like the UN, the six representatives of continents reported on current crime situations and suggested joint activities accordingly. They covered crimes in various degrees from violations of basic order to violent crimes like murder and recent social issues like hate crimes and cybercrime. Ideas on how to deal with them poured in.

Sister Sidney Alyse Rogers (Graduate School at Weber State University, UT, U.S.), the representative of North America, suggested a Zero Crime Web Zone to protect cyber space from crimes. Brother Bernardo Miller (Technical University of Munich, Germany), the representative of Europe, pointed out a lack of awareness of human rights as a reason for the increase of violent crimes and suggested campaigns to promote human rights awareness so that each individual can bring about changes.

The representatives of countries voted for or against each agenda, and with the approval of the majority, the resolution was adopted. The representatives of countries expressed their opinions based on their experiences with RCT campaign. Sister Daphne Zapanta Jacinto (Tarlac State University), the representative of the Philippines, introduced how they held forums for crime reduction and signed an MOU with the national police agency. “It’s important to have active communication and networks with central and local governments to improve public awareness of basic order and to reduce crimes,” she said. “Strengthening networking with colleges is important. Let’s develop the ASEZ RCT report into an education curriculum and collect ideas for crime reduction and prevention from students to change their views naturally,” said Marinela Da Esperanca Joao (Eduardo Mondlane University), the representative of Mozambique.

ⓒ 2019 WATV
At the end of the summit which took about one and a half hours, they reached a cooperative task which will be carried out in six continents by 2021. The Change Makers’ Resolution contains detailed action plans in three areas of education, practice, and solidarity, and emphasizes the role and mission of university students for a crimeless world. The representatives of continents read aloud the resolution and signed. The participants showed their support and participation with applause.

At the end of the summit, they formed the Advisory Committee to help the activities of ASEZ with wide experience and theories. Many experts including Jerome C. Glenn, a futurist and the Director of the Millennium Project, and university presidents and professors, local municipality heads, and so on agreed to support ASEZ heartily.

ASEZ has made efforts to preserve the environment and fill the world with Mother’s love. Taking the summit as a steppingstone, ASEZ is going to carry out more systematic and global activities. In August, during university vacations, ASEZ members around the world will establish networks with NGOs, municipalities, governmental agencies, and international organizations, and encourage public attention and participation through events and volunteer services like RCT seminars and Green Campus cleanup campaigns in more than 30 countries to implement the resolution in various ways.

ASEZ university students are working diligently with their concentrated knowledge and action. Their shout resounds in Asia, North and South America, Europe, Oceania, and Africa: “We will change our future with you!”
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Cleaning campaign by World Mission Society Church of God India
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