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लॉग इन

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In the Land Closest to Heaven, We Are Closer to Heaven

  • देश | Ecuador
  • तिथि | 01/नवंबर/2006
Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, is located 2,850m above sea level. If you walk around a little while, you might get a headache, feel nauseous, find it hard to breathe and have difficulty in hearing.

When I first came here a year ago, I suf-fered from mountain sickness, but now I give thanks to God, seeing many Ecuadorian people coming into the arms of God, as prophesied, “The mountain of the LORD’s temple [Mount Zion] will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and peoples will stream to it.”

I started the gospel work in South Amer-ica, without even knowing the Spanish alphabet. However, through the power of God who fulfills the gospel as fast as light-ning, now I deliver the words of God in Spanish without difficulty, although not fluently.

The life in Ecuador is like that of Korea in the 1970s and 1980s. At first I had some difficulties, not being accustomed to the Ecuadorian culture, but I have been experiencing many valuable things here—the path of sacrifice that Father and Mother have walked. Whatever befalls me, I’m sure I will be able to walk the path of the gospel with delight, overcoming it with thanks-giving. I will preach the gospel boldly, be-lieving that God always helps me.

The Glorious Light of the New Covenant Wards Off the Darkness
Before I arrived in Ecuador, a Peruvian deacon couple had been preaching the gospel here using their own money. The people who had heard the truth from them longed to be born as the children of God, and their earnest prayer reached heaven and God sent me and my wife to this country.

We were very excited at the thought that Zion would be established where there had been no refuge of salvation, and that the good news of life would be delivered to the people who had been waiting to be born as the children of God. We only thought how to find the lost heavenly family, following Father and Mother’s will.

As soon as we arrived in Quito, the peo-ple who had been longing for the new life were born as the children of God. When the first child of God was born in Ecuador, our feelings were beyond words. That was the moment when the glory of God was revealed in the country where the light of the truth had not been shone ever. We were moved to tears, and gave thanks to God who showed His great work to us who were lacking in everything.

Three weeks after we came to Ecuador, Zion was established. It was hard to find a proper church building, but I was encour-aged by the brothers and sisters who earnestly desired Zion to be established though they were baptized only a couple of weeks ago. We looked for a proper church build- ing here and there. Although there were buses, we did not know how to use them, so we walked from the early morning until late in the evening and our feet were swollen every day.

At last, in the northern part of Quito where there are many people living, Zion was established. It was all God’s grace. We believed that the reason why God allowed Zion to be established here was because there were many brothers and sisters to be found in this region. We began to preach the gospel from around the Church.

I still remember the beautiful devotion of our brothers and sisters to Zion. For the new church we needed a pulpit. When we ordered a proper pulpit for our Zion, the furniture company quoted a price that was too expensive. While we were trying to find a solution, a brother said his brother-in-law was a carpenter and would help us out. The brother was a soldier and was always busy, but he visited his brother-in-law two or three times a week even though he lived one and a half hours away from his house. He learned carpentry from his brother-in-law and made a pulpit. Other members also visited there and willingly helped him out with his work.

After a little over a month, the pulpit was completed and placed on the platform. Zion looked more beautiful thanks to the heart-felt devotion of our brothers and sisters, and God blessed this beautiful Zion with many good fruits.

“You Will Be Saved—You and Your Household"
Brother Santos and Sister Peregrina are a couple who are older in age. They had fol-lowed the Catholic Church, but when they heard the new covenant, they acknowledged the truth and returned to the true God. Their mind was pure like that of a child and God blessed them to lead all their family to salvation. Over 20 members of their family―sons, daughters and son-in-laws―were saved. Brother Santos’ sister Maria Joba and her family were also saved.

Brother Santos’ daughter Nancy was in-different to the Bible, pursuing only worldly things. When we delivered the truth to her for the first time, she showed no interest at all. However, through her parents’ earnest desire she became a child of God together with her husband, Brother Santiago. When-ever she realizes the truths of God one by one, she gives thanks to God with tears, saying, “What would have become of me if I had not accepted the truth at that time?”
Sister Maria Joba runs a restaurant on the hill one hour away from Zion. Her family attended a Protestant church opposite to her restaurant. Whenever we returned after de-livering the words of God to her late into the night, a pastor of the Protestant church visited her and blinded her mind, so she was not able to distinguish between truth and falsehood. One day, we asked the false pastor to meet together and give Sister Maria Joba an opportunity to judge between right and wrong, but he did not appear and we were able to help her distinguish the truth from falsehood. After that incident, she diligently comes to Zion, which is an hour away from her house, with her daughter Carla, even though she does not see well in her old age.

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Sister Carla, too, did not welcome us at first. She expressed her uneasy feelings to us, saying that she and her mother could not find any reason to go to a church so far away, leaving the one right under their noses. Meanwhile, Sister Nancy, who is her cousin, realized the truth and persuaded her, saying that it would not be late for her to judge after listening to the words. Sister Carla was surprised at Sister Nancy’s changed attitude, and she came to study the Bible. Then she acknowledged the truth and was born as the child of God.

The family of Sister Maria Joba was blessed like that of Brother Santos; her daughter’s couple, grandsons and granddaughters were all led to Zion and now live happily in the hope for heaven.

Assembling the Memory of Heaven, Which Was Broken Into Pieces by Sin
Ecuador has deep tradition of Catholicism like other countries in South America. They are under the influence of the Catholic Church whatever they do at school or at the workplace. In markets and public offices various idols are found, and in the middle of the Quito Central Park there is an image of a cross as big as a building.

They claim to believe in God, but they are lost, not knowing the truth. Even though they acknowledge the truth, they say they cannot forsake the customs which have been kept for such a long time.

However, God’s children are to come to Zion, the City of Truth, listening to the voice of the heavenly Father and Mother say-ing, “Come out of Babylon!” Assembling the memory of heaven, which was broken into pieces due to sin, they come to realize that our heavenly Father and Mother came to the earth to seek us.

After studying the reality of the new Jerusalem, they shed tears, seeing the videos which contain the appearance of our heav-enly Mother. My eyes are also filled with tears, seeing them recognize their spiritual Parents in a short time.

I think it is possible because our broken memory of heaven is recovered as our sinful spirits are washed in the new covenant. We shed tears because we feel repentant to Father and Mother whom we have forgotten for such a long time, and because we feel grateful to Father and Mother who love us to the end despite our great sin.

The members of the Quito Zion have strong faith in Father and Mother. Even though they cannot go to Korea because of their financial situations, they eagerly long for the day they will be with God forever in the kingdom of heaven, by bearing good fruit.

The Altitude of the Gospel Exceeding 2,850m
Sister Rocio, who runs a hairdressers shop, was attending a church which performs a lot of miracles. When she heard the truth of the new covenant, she was very surprised and said that she could not deny the facts testified by the Bible. Saying, “Faith is to believe in God and follow the Bible,” she was born as a child of God immediately.

ⓒ 2006 WATV
After a while, a pastor of the church she used to attend visited her several times, but he only raised his voice and was unable to explain the words of the Bible. Seeing his attitude, Sister Rocio became more con-vinced of the truth and began to preach the new covenant to him, only depending on Father and Mother. Then, to her wonder, she was able to find the verses in the Bible and boldly rebuke the false pastor.

Though she received the truth just two months ago, she came to Zion on foot which took her 40-50 minutes and prayed with all her heart at every early morning service dur-ing the feast. She confessed to God that she was a sinner and gave thanks to God with tears for allowing her to receive the precious truth of life. She only says gracious things and always serves brothers and sisters. Seeing her, we feel the love and grace of Father and Mother.

She preached the gospel to all the guests who visited her hairdressers shop, and to her neighbors whenever she had time. By doing this, she has led 10 people to God since the Feast of Tabernacles. By the time the heav-enly family members in other countries get to read this fragrance of Zion, she will have led more people to God because there are still many people around her who promised to become the children of God.

Through the Holy Spirit poured out on the Feast of Tabernacles, all the members were awakened and are now making every effort to bear fruit. They’ve known how joyful it is to bear fruit. They say, “Since we are given salvation and eternal life freely, we are to deliver this good news to others.” Though they are in difficult conditions, they are dil-igently finding the lost brothers and sisters, realizing the value of preaching the gospel.

What attracts our attention is that 30% of Ecuadorians live in Spain because of the economy. In other words, one or two members in an Ecuadorian family will live in Spain.

The oldest daughter and the second son of Brother Santos, and a daughter of Sister Maria Joba, too, live in Spain. They deliver the words of God to their children through the phone. The children want to study the words of God regularly and have promised to be born again as the children of God. We earnestly pray that a prophet will be sent to Spain, too.

“Let’s save people who are running to the way of death like we were!” With this slogan, the members of the Quito Zion are fervently preaching the gospel to their fam-ily, friends and neighbors, hoping that the kingdom of the gospel of God will be estab-lished in other regions of Ecuador and in Spain as well. The fervor and earnestness of our brothers and sisters rises above the sea and reaches heaven.

Up until a year ago, there was no light in Ecuador. The light of the gospel began to shine by the grace of God, and 70 children of God have been found. Now the children are lifting the torches of the gospel high, shin-ing it in the darkness. We know well that all this has been possible by the sacrifice of Father and the earnest prayer of Mother.

The Quito city is very close to heaven, and in this place there are the Quito Zion members. They seem to be at the forefront of going to heaven and singing the songs of angels. All the members in Quito Zion will make every effort to spread the gospel of the kingdom to all peoples, wishing our dream to come true.

Father and Mother, we give thanks to You forever!
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