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लॉग इन

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लॉग इन

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The Gospel Work Is Only Accomplished by God’s Grace

  • देश | USA
  • तिथि | 28/अक्टूबर/2008
ⓒ 2008 WATV
As the floodgates of living water were opened to the whole world according to the prophecies, the waterways to life also opened in Colorado, which was a spiritually dry and barren land. In 2004, Zion, the place of eternal life and salvation, was established in Colorado. Then God called me, who was preaching in Los Angeles, to go to Colorado and join the mission to evangelize North America. The Colorado Church continued to grow through God’s great blessings. Last year, over 100 souls were led to God, and we expanded the gospel to the neighboring state of Oklahoma.

However, when I looked back on the path I had walked, I feel ashamed and sorry toward God. I thought I did my best for the gospel, but sometimes I depended on myself, rather than on God, and caused God to worry rather than pleased Him. So, I am deeply thankful to heavenly Mother for having patiently endured all my wrongs and waited until I realized my faults and repented. I would like to give thanks to Father and Mother for calling this weak child to participate in the glorious gospel work in this age.

Gospel Workers Growing in Mother’s Love

The state of Colorado is located in the Western United States. Compared to big cities such as New York and Los Angeles, Colorado offers a somewhat more relaxed and conservative lifestyle. However, although people in each area have different propensities, it seems that the children of Zion have the same love for heavenly Father and Mother, and also the same passion for the gospel.

Most of the brothers and sisters of the Colorado Zion are busy at work, but despite their busy schedule, they come to Zion every day and willingly devote themselves to the gospel, studying the truth. They preach heavenly Mother anytime, anywhere, and even when they face some unexpected difficulties or hindrances while preaching the gospel, they don’t give up, but overcome them with smiles. Also, they volunteer to serve the Church very positively, so every one of them seems like an assistant overseer of Zion. Like this, the gospel work of the Colorado Church is always being carried out actively by many gospel workers.

Most brothers and sisters solidify the foundation of their faith through God’s words, and preach the gospel with con-fidence in the truth. They gain many realizations while leading each individual soul to the truth. Doing so, they naturally grow to be good gospel workers. There is a turning point for them to become greater gospel workers. It is the “Visit to Korea.”

American bothers and sisters have been accustomed to the individualistic way of life. So, even though they realize the truth, they can hardly understand with their hearts how much God sacrificed for them, and they often find it hard to follow the sacrificial path of God. They know they have to follow God’s example, but have no idea how to do it. However, once they visit Korea, they graciously change and sacrifice themselves, serving the brothers and sisters. They all become mature gospel workers who try to follow Mother’s example, after they personally witness and experienced the sacrifice of heavenly Mother who takes care of each and every one of Her children with Her boundless love.

So, the brothers and sisters, who have realized the truth, all want to visit Korea and see the glory of heavenly Jerusalem. This year, too, many brothers and sisters visited Korea to meet heavenly Mother and receive the water of life from Her, so that they can preach the gospel more fervently. I believe that all the brothers and sisters, who have visited Korea in spite of difficult circumstances, will become greater gospel workers through the grace of heavenly Mother, and participate in evangelizing not only Colorado, but also North America and the whole world.

Having the Same Love, Being One in Spirit and Purpose

Since America is a country of immigrants, various ethnic groups such as Caucasian, African American, Latino [Hispanic] and Asian are living together. Although they acknowledge and respect cultural differences among them, there are still racial discrimination and conflicts like a glass wall.

ⓒ 2008 WATV
However, there is no discrimination or conflict in Zion at all. It is because the brothers and sisters, who have been led to Zion, already transcended the difference of race and language when they received God who came to the country at the ends of the earth in the east according to the prophecies of the Bible. We are all children of heavenly Father and Mother and also brothers and sisters to each other, so the difference in skin color or ethnic background does not matter at all. Rather, they serve one another, caring for each other in love as the members of the heavenly family.

Actually, it is easy for us to adjust to visible differences. However, we find it so difficult to understand the differences in cultures and ways of thinking and to have the same mind. For example, American people tend to pursue rationalism, so when they have to say something, they tell the conclusion first and then explain the grounds for it; but for Korean people, it is politer to say indirectly or say the conclusion last.

I preached the words of God so clearly; but when I had to say other things to the brothers and sisters in Zion, except when I preached, I, who was accustomed to Korean style, didn’t tell them directly or sometimes I didn’t say anything, thinking that they would naturally come to understand later. However, the American brothers and sisters found it hard to get used to this kind of style. They wanted to hear everything directly, and accepted others’ opinions once they understood them although they were different from their thoughts. So, they wanted to learn many things in order to preach the gospel more confidently and fervently, but I didn’t give them a clear guide, which made them feel frustrated.

The only way to overcome this problem was to follow the example of heavenly Mother who always considered Her children’s situation first and guided them with love, taking proper care of each of them according to his or her thought and faith. When I realized that, I tried not to insist on my thoughts and ways that I had for a long time, but to understand their culture and to conform to the American brothers and sisters’ ways of thinking. They also understood that I couldn’t change my style right away, and tried to adjust to me.
Now, we don’t feel any difficulty caused by the cultural difference among ourselves. As we all preach the gospel boldly with one mind in the love of God, God blesses us to bear abundant good fruit.

Gospel Work in North America Accomplished by God’s Grace

Keeping in step with God who is quickly accomplishing the world mission, the brothers and sisters of the Colorado Church have been preaching in Oklahoma since July, 2007; they visit the state once a month and preach there for a week. Although Oklahoma is a neighboring state of Colorado, it takes us a full 12 hours to get there by car. So, the brothers and sisters work to earn living and preaching expenses for three weeks in Colorado, and preach the gospel in Oklahoma for the last one week.

I feel God’s grace more deeply when I see the brothers and sisters willingly devote themselves to the missionary work, saving some money for preaching each month, with the fervor to participate in the gospel work of God. I believe that their enthusiasm for the gospel is inspired by God rather than gained by any words or teachings. It is truly the work of the Holy Spirit and a special gift from Father and Mother.

While preaching the gospel constantly and fervently like that, many souls in Oklahoma have come back into the arms of God. I believe Zion will be established there soon. We will keep expanding our preaching into the states of New Mexico and Kansas. We eagerly hope that many seed-bearing fruits will be led to God and that House Churches and Zion will be established firmly, wherever we go.

There is a realization I feel more deeply in my heart as I preach more. It is of the fact that the gospel work is only done by God’s grace. God Himself will surely accomplish the work of finding 3 percent of the world population, God’s children who will save the whole world. So, if there are any brothers or sisters who are hesitating because of their language ability or circumstances even though they want to preach overseas, I would like to tell them to just start. I’ve seen many times that God opens every door for His children when they just go out, only depending on God. If you have a firm will to participate in the gospel work no matter what befalls you, and have a thankful mind toward God, you are already in full readiness for overseas preaching. If you face any difficulties in the gospel fields overseas, God will always give you strength to overcome them.

We, the members of the Colorado Zion, are also lacking in many areas, so we will always ask heavenly Mother for Her grace and follow Her wherever She leads us. I give thanks to heavenly Mother again for not reproaching Her children for their faults, but covering them with love and filling them with grace. To repay heavenly Mother for Her grace, even though we can’t repay fully, we will all burn with more fervor and work harder for the completion of world evangelism.
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